Friday, May 21, 2010

Principles for providing green areas in Urban Centres

Principles for providing green areas in Urban Centres

The green areas are considered the lungs of urban centres. Such green areas in a city ensures freshness and improves the ambience of the town, maintain healthier environment by generating oxygen to the living creatures, and also function as an agent of recharging the ground with fresh rain water and controlling the increasing global warm. In fact, green areas increase the longevity of human life.

Planning Principles for Providing Green Areas in Urban Centres

At Master Plan Level:-

At Development Plan level or at Master Plan level, the green areas or recreational areas in urban centres are provided on following forms:-

1. Provision of Green Belts along National Highway / Expressway of the Town:-

Green belts ranging from 100 meters to 30 meters (i.e. 100 meters wide or 60 meters wide or 45 meters wide or 30 meters) wide green belts are proposed along both sides of National Highways or expressway or other major arteries of the town. The width of aforesaid green belts can vary according to the importance of the respective roads. Such long green strips along major arteries help in controlling the pollution originated due to heavy traffic on such roads, increase the ambience to the town and also keep the scope intact for widening of such roads in future.

2. Provision of Green Areas along River Fronts:-

The fronts of river, drain, canal and Nallas etc. passing through the town are planned for the purpose of green areas / wood land / zoo / golf courses / play grounds / stadium etc. The width of such green belts can vary according to the topographical features of the area generally ranging from 30 meters to 250 meters. The development of green areas along such fronts helps in maintaining urban eco-system and save the main urban settlement during inundation.

3. Provision of Green Areas along Railway Tracks:-

The railway tracks are considered as a source of air and noise pollution and its vibrations result in cracks in adjoining buildings. Maintenance of greenery including thick wood land along such tracks helps in solving the said problems.

4. Green Buffer Areas Between Industrial and Non Industrial Sector :-

Since, Industrial sector generates air pollution, and noise pollution, therefore, for the protection of adjoining non industrial sectors (such as residential sectors, commercial sectors, institutional sectors etc.) from such pollutions, green buffer zones, minimum of 30 meters wide are provided around the industrial sector.

5. Green Areas around Sewerage Treatment:-

The sewerage treatment plant in urban areas cause air pollution and also generates bad smell. For the eradication of these problems, provision of at least 100 meters wide green belts around sewerage treatment plants and Garbage Disposal sites are provided.

6. Provision of Green Areas around Historical Monuments and Religious Places:-

About 100 meters wide green belts / areas are provided around historical monuments and religious buildings for the maintenance of their sanctity. Such green areas also remain helpful to accommodate large congregation on the eve of important religious functions.

7. Development of Hillocks as Green Areas:-

If hillocks, rocky and ridge areas are forming part of a town, the said features are required to be preserved as green areas.

8. Provision of Green Areas around Airport and Ammunition Depot:-

The buildings are always kept at least 900 meters away from Airport, Radar Station and Ammunition depot by proposing green areas around the said establishments.

9. Provision of Green Areas in the form city level

The infrastructure of district level parks and stadium is also provided after 4-5 residential sectors to cope with the needs of towns.


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