Tuesday, May 11, 2010


A 90-pages report prepared For:
California Energy Commission
Public Interest Energy Research Program

Prepared By:
Alex Lantsberg

California’s local governments are in a position to play a critical role in advancing the state’s policies for the reliability, affordability, and environmental sustainability of its electric energy supply. The regulatory and institutional landscape of federal and state energy policy makes local governments critical partners in promoting efficient resource use, market transformation, and location efficiency within the built environment. Because the PIER program is funded by a surcharge on electric utility ratepayer bills, this report is primarily concerned with electricity production and use. Although some of the recommended research agenda will also have implications on transportation energy use, transportation research is handled by other divisions and agencies mandated for such research. Local governments have strong reasons to promote what can be considered sustainable urban energy planning practices, and a number of local governments throughout California are already doing so. Among the main energy‐related concerns driving local action are: the need for price stability; the public health and safety consequences of energy unreliability; the centrality of affordable and reliable energy to economic development; strong public support for environmental initiatives; quality of life considerations; and environmental justice demands by disproportionately impacted communities.

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