Sunday, March 27, 2011

Life-size Monopoly House: The Art Of Green Architecture

If life’s a game, you’re gonna need some bigger playing pieces. When the game’s Monopoly, you can count on at least one game geek artist to make your larger-than-life board game anything but boring: by building a life-sized, giant green Monopoly House.
When artist An Te Liu (above) announced he was planning some “green architecture” for the 2009 Leona Drive Project, few expected the result would be a house painted green… ALL green. Yet that’s just what Liu built on a quiet residential street in suburban Toronto.
Dubbed “Title Deed”, the modified 1940′s “salt box” house was inspired by the iconic green plastic houses players of the board game Monopoly can buy for $100 each and place on their properties, thus driving up the rent other players have to pay. One wonders what other residents of Leona Drive thought about the idea… perhaps something along the lines of “Go directly to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.”

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