Friday, April 22, 2011

Agent-based Simulation of Human Movement Shaped by the Underlying Street Structure

by Bin Jiang and Tao Jia

Relying on random and purposive moving agents, we simulated human movement in large street networks. We found that aggregate flow, assigned to individual streets, is mainly shaped by the underlying street structure, and that human moving behavior (either random or purposive) has little effect on the aggregate flow. This finding implies that given a street network, the movement patterns generated by purposive walkers (mostly human beings) and by random walkers are the same. Based on the simulation and correlation analysis, we further found that the closeness centrality is not a good indicator for human movement, in contrast to a long standing view held by space syntax researchers. Instead we suggest that Google’s PageRank, and its modified version - weighted PageRank, betweenness and degree centralities are all better indicators for predicting aggregate flow.

previous papers:

Space Syntax and Transit Networks

Exploring Multi-layered Hyper Dense Urban Environments through Spatial Analysis

The spatial congruence effect: exploring the relationship between spatial variables and functional vitality on Lisbon's prime office location.

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