Monday, November 14, 2011


by Edward A. Tombari

Since the first American cities were founded in the 17th century, mixed-use development has always been part of the American urban landscape. It was not until after World War II that a movement toward complete segregation of land uses dominated the new American urban landscape. This movement, which actually began in the 1920‟s reached its zenith in the 1950s and 1960s. During the 1980s, the New Urbanist architectural movement, along with urban revitalization, renewed interest in mixed-use development in certain areas of the country. As the principles spawned by this development trend has slowly gained acceptance, mixed-use development is being constructed in numerous cities throughout the country. Some architects and planners see it as a panacea for all urban problems; other critics see it as a passing fad that provides housing only for higher-income professionals. This paper attempts to review the history and trends associated with the re-emergence of mixed-use development and postulate that the answer, like with all things, lies somewhere in the middle.

Street fair in Santa Monica, photo by La Citta Vita

more about pedestrianization:

Pedestrian (and stroller) priority in Vancouver

The streets of downtown Amsterdam

Linked Hybrid by Steven Holl Architects, and designing for the occupation of space in contemporary Beijing

Walking, Bicycling, and Urban Landscapes: Evidence from the San Francisco Bay Area

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