Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Saga of Integrated Land Use-Transport Modeling: How Many More Dreams Before We Wake Up?

by Harry Timmermans

The division of labour in modern societies has resulted in a spatial allocation of functions, such as residences, shops, restaurants, leisure facilities, etc. In order to survive and to conduct their preferred activities, individuals, households and firms have to travel. The spatial distribution of land use (planned or unplanned) constitutes the choice set from which individuals can pick the destinations where they wish to conduct the activities they need or desire to perform. Although spatial land use patterns restrict individual choices, it seems that in many situations a relatively large degree of freedom still remains to choose the preferred destinations. Empirical evidence tends to suggest that the relationship between characteristics of land use patterns and aspects of mobility is weak. Thus, land use patterns seem to provide opportunities to travel as opposed to dictating travel behaviour. If public transport does not exist in a particular neighbourhood, people cannot use it; it if does exist, people don’t necessarily use it.

more about land use/transportation modelling:

Effects of Site Design on Pedestrian Travel in Mixed-Use, Medium-Density Environments

How Urban Design Affect Personal Activity and Travel Choice - An Analysis of Travel Data from Sample Communities in Adelaide

Urban form, individual spatial footprints, and travel: An examination of space-use behavior


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