Thursday, January 19, 2012


via A Digital Archive of American Architecture


Chronology of Styles in American Architecture

The Seventeenth Century:

17th Century Colonial
        Term applies to both New England and Virginia architecture.  Note
        regional differences, however.

The Eighteenth Century:

Georgian (1714-1776)
        English-inspired colonial architecture.  Marked by a greater concern for
        style and higher standards of comfort.  Fairly homogeneous in both New
        England and Southern colonies.

Neoclassicism (c.1780-1820)
        There are several variations:
        Federalist:  Especially common in New England; a traditionalist
        approach to classicism, heavily influenced by English models.  Charles
        Bulfinch, Samuel MacIntyre.
        Idealist:  An intellectual and moral approach to classicism, at first
        linked to Roman models.  Symbolic and associational values stressed.
        Best example:  Thomas Jefferson.
        Rationalist:  Emphasized structure and classical building techniques,
        such as stone vaulting and domes.  Benjamin Latrobe.

The Nineteenth Century:
read more 

Milwaukee Baroque, by Atelier Teee

facade, Jefferson Market Library (1877), 425 Sixth Avenue, Greenwich Village, New York, New York, an example of High Victorian Design, photo by lumierefl

Cambridge - Harvard Square: Harvard University - Memorial Hall, High Victorial Design, by wallyg

Jefferson Market Library (1877), 425 Sixth Avenue, Greenwich Village, New York, New York, High Victorian Gothic Design, by lumierefl

more about architectural styles:

An Architectural Treasure: Miami’s Art Deco District


Routes of Gothic

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