Wednesday, January 25, 2012


by Arun Chatterjee and Mohan M. Venigalla


The basic purpose of transportation planning and management is to match transportation supply with travel demand, which represents ‘need’. A thorough understanding of existing travel pattern is necessary for identifying and analyzing existing traffic related problems. Detailed data on current travel pattern and traffic volumes are needed also for developing travel forecasting/prediction models. The prediction of future travel demand is an essential task of the long-range transportation planning process for determining strategies for accommodating future needs. These strategies may include land use policies, pricing programs, and expansion of transportation supply – highways and transit service.

more about travel behavior:

Residential Areas for Households without Cars The Scope for Neighbourhood Mobility Management in Scandinavian Cities

How Urban Design Affect Personal Activity and Travel Choice - An Analysis of Travel Data from Sample Communities in Adelaide

Effects of Site Design on Pedestrian Travel in Mixed-Use, Medium-Density Environments

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