Friday, March 2, 2012

Processing Geographical Data with Vectorworks Landmark

by Andreas Thierer

Vectorworks Landmark is one of the most popular Computer-Aided Design (CAD ) software applications for landscape designers worldwide. However, Vectorworks is more than just a CAD program. Many designers who deal with geographical data in their daily work use Vectorworks to handle projects that would otherwise require specialized Geographic information System (GIS) programs.
This white paper is geared towards:
landscape plans, land development plans, open space plans, urban framework plans, environmental This white paper highlights the GIS functionality of Vectorworks Landmark and describes important steps for preparing and processing geographical data. CAD functionality, and the particular strengths of Vectorworks as a CAD program, are not covered.
This white paper was created in collaboration with Joost Godts Consultancy. The majority of the images and descriptions were taken from a project involving a zoning plan with an integrated landscape plan for the Fremdingen Municipality (Donau-Ries administrative district, Bavaria).

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