Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The LA City Bike Plan: Addressing Equity and Low-Income Folks’ Needs

There has been a lot on the LACBC blog and other cycling advocates’ blogs lately regarding the City of LA’s bike plan, which dictates where bike lanes and what programs will exist in the next 10 years. It was recently was approved by the Planning Commission, as of December 16th. Many have lauded it as finally addressing many of Angeleno cyclists’ needs, which have wholeheartedly and repeatedly been ignored over the years.
Yet, what does the plan mean for low-income cyclists who face multiple issues of economic, legal, and environmental (in)justice, on top of being second class commuters?
You can read the actual text of the City’s proposed changes, as approved by the Planning Commission here.
City of Lights will be providing a brief analysis below of the changes we advocated for during the Public Comment period that will bring more of a focus and major improvements to low-income cyclists’ neighborhoods throughout the City.

Bike Lanes and Infrastructure:

Along with planning policies and bicycle networks for the entire City, City Planning also included an appendix of a Five Year Implementation Strategy. This will dictate which streets will be getting bike lanes in the next five years. When we first spoke with Planning, there wasn’t a way to target low-income neighborhoods in the plan. After Ciudad de Luces did some research with other bike/ped/social justice professionals around the country, it was clear that no one (beyond the Pedestrian Plan of Seattle) had ever tried to bring attention to or focus to low-income communities of color in their bicycle or pedestrian planning.

L.A. bikes, by R. E. ~
more articles about bicycle planning:

To Be Able to Ride Your Bike Safely

Cycle Superhighways Open in London

Walking and Biking Key to Reversing U.S. Childhood Obesity Epidemic

Reclaiming the Streets on World Car Free Day

Cycle Traffic In Amsterdam Urban Planning

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