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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Analyzing the State and Pattern of Urban Growth and City Planning in Amman Using Satellite Images and GIS

by Zeyad Makhamreh and Nazeeh Almanasyeh

Jordan experienced a high rate of urbanization during the last five decades leading to concentration of population in the main cities. This has created high demand for the opening up of huge areas to meet housing, commercial, industrial and other service planning requirements. The objective of this study is to investigate the current pattern of land use and urban servicing and to monitor the trends of urban growth in Amman between 1972 and 2009 using satellite images and GIS. The results showed that the urban core of Amman changed continuously over time with high rates of population growth.
Considerable urban expansion was identified with the total settlement areas increasing from 36 km2 to 250 km2 at the expense of agricultural land over the time period under study. The Amman city-center has a high population density, and the suburban towns absorbed the potential development, and exhibited an expansionary pattern of urban development. It concentrated along major transportation routes, resulting in different pattern of urban development between the east and west parts of the city. Combination of remote sensing and GIS are useful for understanding the complexities of relationships between urbanization, urban services and agricultural landscape changes.

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